

Professional Sites

Otherland- Official Tad Williams site

The Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn Interactive Thesis- an incredible website, with literary analysis of the epic, along with descriptions of the three swords and the hero.

Tolkien and Tad- another thesis, written on a comparison between Tad and Tolkien's works

Shadowmarch- Online novel

Otherland- a very thorough Otherland website (German)




Strange Horizons- an interview about Shadowmarch, Tad's online novel

Dowse- interview about the Shadowmarch project

Victoria Strauss- interview focusing on Otherland

Flashpoint- chat transcript Williams's thoughts on the future chat transcript

Computerworld- Williams talks about technology in third-world countries



Sffworld- online biography and bibliography, with archived interviews

Ramble magazine- review of Sea of Silver Light reviews of Williams' work, along with basic character and plot break-downs

Metroactive- an article on Williams from a local arts newspaper

Tailchaser- A fansite dedicated to Tailchaser




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