Given his growing popularity and recent "assault" on the literary world, its not surprising that the number fan sites and references works dedicated to Gaiman, his stories, and his effects on the various media he inhabits are growing steadily. With all the information being circulated, its hard to know where to begin if you are interested in learning more about him, his works, and the ever changing genres. These following sites, while by no means a complete listing, offer an excellent jumping point for helping you to explore the world of Neil Gaiman.

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Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics, by Scott McCloud, explore the emergence of comics and graphic novels as literature. Many references are made to Gaiman and his contributions, both to comics and the literary world in general. .

Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art, written years before McCloud's set, was the first serious novel exploring comics as a valid literary form. Though it does not deal directly with Neil Gaiman, it does offer excellent insight into his self-proclaimed "first love."

SANDMAN: Neil Gaiman Links

An interesting and surprisingly consistent collection of links concerning Neil Gaiman, though most center on his Sandman collections. Some of the links are fan-sites, which have a tendency to come and go, but most are reliable and seem to be in place for quite a while.

Neil's personal website. Contains a complete listing of his works (published and pending) as well as a personal profile, tour schedules, and even a direct link to his online journal!


A wonderfully compiled, if unofficial, site dedicated to Gaiman. Contains a growing archive of book reviews, interviews, and interesting information.

The Dreaming: A Neil Gaiman Page

A news ticker of sorts keeping close tabs on Gaiman and his doings. It seems to be updated once or twice a month unless something very important or interesting occurs.