Larbalestier. The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 2002.
6" x 9", 310 pp., 20 illustrations
$50 Cloth, 0-8195-6526-1, $19.95 Paper, 0-8195-6527-X

plunges into her account of the sex-wars that have emerged in the pages
of science fiction magazines with intelligence, much information and
a good deal of common sense. In light of today's interest in the position
of women, she reports on this conflict not only with fascinating documentation
and a cascade of insights, but also with great intellectual richness
and readability." --- Samuel R. Delany, author of Dhalgren
The Battle
of the Sexes traces a genre within science fiction with wit, insight
and impressive archival work. This is a wonderful project, brilliantly
conceived, with fantastic research.--- Jane Donawerth, author
of Frankensteins Daughters: Women Writing Science Fiction
"This book
is a must-have for anyone interested in feminism and sf..."---Robin
Anne Reid, SFRA Newsletter
"Of the many
fine works of criticism that have appeared this year, this is one of
the best." ---Javier A. Martinez, Extrapolation