Jules Verne. Five Weeks in a Balloon. Trans. and introduced by Frederick Paul Walter. Ed. Arthur B. Evans. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2015.
6" x 9 " 336 pages, 81 b/w illus.
$35.00 Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-8195-7547-0 or $27.99 ebook, ISBN: 978-0-8195-7548-7

“Five Weeks in a Balloon counts among the dozen Verne books that are the most interesting for modern readers and critics, and even in French, no annotated or critical edition has ever appeared. Walter is at the forefront of contemporary translators.”—William Butcher, author of Jules Verne: The Definitive Biography
“A daring adventure with huge dollops of geographical, technological, and scientific information, touches of humor, and a slow build-up followed by one exciting incident after another. This is essential reading for Verneans as well as the go-to text for ordinary readers seeking an accurate translation of one of Verne's most popular and significant novels.”—Michael Dirda, author of Classics for Pleasure and On Conan Doyle