Jules Verne. The Kip Brothers. Trans. Stanford L. Luce. Ed. Arthur B. Evans. Introduction and notes by Jean-Michel Margot. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2007.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" 544 pages, 57 b/w illus.
$29.95 Cloth, ISBN: 0-8195-6704-3 or 978-0-8195-6704-8

“This nicely annotated translation allows Anglophone readers their first access to a revealing manifestation of Verne's imagination, his political awareness, his interest in the emerging technology of photography, and his role in the evolution of science fiction.”— Paul Alkon, professor of English, University of Southern California
"[T]his extraordinary crime drama receives its due in this authoritative edition. ... Annotated with a copious, intelligent critical apparatus, the work is scrupulous in its fidelity to Verne's nuances. Some 40 pages of notes and 30 of bibliography complement the novel itself. ... Highly recommended."— Choice
“The Kip Brothers is a model of scholarship.”— William Butcher, author of Jules Verne: The Definitive Biography