H.G. Wells. Star Begotten. Ed. John Huntington. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2005.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" 168 pages
$34.95 Cloth, 0-8195-6729-9

“A definitive scholarly edition of this notable novel. Huntington eloquently and subtly demonstrates its complexity and ambiguity. Star Begotten should receive a warm welcome.”— Patrick Parrider, professor of English, University of Reading
“In this, the first critical edition of Star Begotten, John Huntington has remedied decades of misunderstanding and neglect. His edition does not reveal a literary masterpiece, but it does resurrect an exceedingly interesting work, one worthy of the rigorous and handsome treatment we have come to expect from the Wesleyan Early Classics of Science Fiction series.” — Nicholas Ruddick, Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
“A fascinating short novel ... Star Begotten is a late
work in which H.G. Wells rethinks the Martian invasion of The War
of the Worlds in light of later developments in the biological
sciences.”— INFODAD.COM