Olaf Stapledon.
Star Maker. Edited by Patrick A. McCarthy. Introduction by
Freeman J. Dyson. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2004.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2", 356 pp., 3 b/w illus.
Unjacketed cloth, 0-8195-6692-6 $65.00, Paper, 0-8195-6693-4, $24.95

"A buried
treasure of 20th century literature reemerges in this splendid and practical
edition. McCarthy's revealing introduction and notes display the genius
of Star Maker to a new century."---Robert Crossley,
author of Olaf Stapledon: Speaking of the Future
"Star Maker
is a masterpiece in the field of science fiction, a bursting to the
brim compendium of ideas for later science fiction writers."---Robert
Shelton, Michigan State University