Albert Robida.
The Twentieth Century. Translated and with an introduction
by Philippe Willems. Edited by Arthur B. Evans. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan
UP, 2004.
7 " x 10", 304 pp.
$29.95 French-flap Paper, 0-8195-6680-2

"The Twentieth
Century is the literary equivalent of discovering King Tut's tomb
and marveling that such wonderful things were there for all these years
but concealed. Wesleyan's edition will allow us to see at last one of
France's hidden treasures."---Paul Alkon, University of
Sothern California
"... the overall
effect of this beautifully-produced volume, supplemented with extensive
notes, a bibliography, and a biography of Robida, is to leave us with
the impression that one of the true glories of early SF has been all
but submerged for more than a cetnury, and that maybe we didn't know
as much about this history as we thought we did."---Gary
K. Wolfe, Locus Magazine