Extra Reading

This is a list of some articles and books that are useful for pursuing some of the topics in this course a bit further. I emphasize that the list is not exhaustive--this is just to get you started. There are several other good place to look for additional resources:

1. The Philosopher's Index - This is very useful database, which allows you to perform focused searches for articles and books.

2. The Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy - Just as it says, this is an encylopedia of philosophy. It is very useful when you are new to a topic and would like to get a general grasp on the major issues, and key figures who are writing on that topic. The articles include extensive bibliographies.

(Articles are in quotation marks, books/journals are italicized. If you need help locating any of these items, please let me know.)

Overviews of Darwinism
Kitcher, "Darwin's Achievement"
Kitcher, "Darwin For Everyone" (Ch. 1 of Abusing Science)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "Darwinism"

Charles Darwin In Context
Complete World of Charles Darwin Online
Darwin Correspondence Project (Darwin's Letters)
The Victorian Web (Many scientific essays from the Victorian Era)
The Cambridge Companion to the "Origin of Species"

General Philosophy of Biology
The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "Philosophy of Biology"
Sober, Philosophy of Biology

Units of Selection
Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy, "Units and Levels of Selection"
Brandon, "The Levels of Selection"

Natural Selection
Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy, "Natural Selection"
Brandon, "Adaptation and Evolutionary Theory"
Brandon, "A Structural Description of Evolutionary Theory"
Kitcher, "Darwin Redux" (Ch. 3 of Abusing Science)

Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism
Beilby (ed.), Naturalism Defeated?

Evolution and Ethics
Skyrms, Evolution of the Social Contract
Appiah, Experiments in Ethics
Ruse, “Evolution and Morality”
Mackie, "The Law of the Jungle: Moral Alternatives and Principles of Evolution"

Evolution and Rationality
Kornblith, Inductive Inference and Its Natural Ground
Sober, "The Evolution of Rationality"
Stich, "Evolution and Rationality" (Ch. 3 of The Fragmentation of Reason)
Stein, Without Good Reason (Ch. 6)
Gigerenzer, Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart
Gilovich, Griffin, & Kahneman (eds.) Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment

Evolution and Psychology
Cosmides & Tooby, "Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer"
Barkow, Cosmides, & Tooby, The Adapted Mind
Allen & Bekoff, "Species of Mind"
Sterelny, Thought in a Hostile World: The Evolution of Human Cognition
Samuels, “Evolutionary Psychology and the Massive Modularity Hypothesis”
Fodor, Modularity of Mind
Povinelli, "Reconstructing the Evolution of Mind"

Whitmeyer, "On the Relationship Between Genes and Memes"
Sterelny, "Memes Revisted"

Anthropic Principles
Hacking, "The Inverse Gambler's Fallacy"
McGrath, "The Inverse Gambler's Fallacy: a reply to Hacking"
Sober, "Absence of Evidence and Evidence of Absence"
Weisberg, "A Note on Design: What's fine-tuning got to do with it?"

Evolution and AI
Hookway (ed.), Minds, Machines, and Evolution
AAAI, page on Genetic Algorithms

Evolution, Religion and Creation Science
Synthese (January 2011), special edition: "EVOLUTION AND ITS RIVALS"
Ruse, "Creation Science is not Science"

Laudan, "Science at the Bar: Causes for Concern"
Ruse, "Response: Pro Judice"
Kitcher, Abusing Science
The Clergy Letter Project
Monton, Seeking God in Science: An Athiest Defends Intelligent Design

Sober, Evidence & Evolution (focuses on mathematical models of evidence and design arguments)
Mayr, One Long Argument
Brandon, Concepts and Methods in Evolutionary Biology
Dawkins, The Selfish Gene
Gould, The Structure of Evolutionary Theory
Gould, The Panda's Thumb
Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker
Fodor, "Against Darwinism"
