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           In GATTACA we follow the life of Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), a “faith child”.  Vincent "explains in his voice over narration that genes determine your future in this world" (Ellis 112).  Naturally conceived with a weak heart, his life expectancy at birth is 30.2 years.  Along with a genetic code that is far from perfect leaving him with myopia, a tendency for agression, and a short stature, Vincent's future is severely limited.  His parents do not make the same mistake twice, and they genetically enhance their second son, Anton (Loren Dean).  Throughout their childhood, Anton is the favored, bigger, stronger brother.  However, when Vincent defeats him in a game of chicken, he sees that he is capable of more than can be seen in his genetic code.  As Vincent explained, it was the “moment that made everything else possible”.

Vincent sets out on his own, applying for jobs that will lead him to space exploration.  Though it is “illegal to discriminate” due to ones genetic code,  “no one takes that law seriously”.  Unable to find any work other than menial labor, Vincent is driven to adopt the identity of Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), and he becomes a “borrowed ladder, a degenerate”.  Possessing a flawless genetic code, Jerome “had been engineered with everything he needed to get into Gattaca, except the desire to do so”.  Through hard work and dedication, Vincent does all that Jerome should be capable, and more.  A perfect employee, he is given a prestigious mission to Titan, Saturn’s fourteenth moon. 

           The plot thickens when the flight director of Vincent's voyage to Titan is murdered.  One of Vincent’s illegitimate eyelashes makes him a prime suspect for the crime, because no "in-valid" could ever work at Gattaca.  Vincent must fight to conceal his true identity from the crime investigators, along with keeping his true identity from his coworker and romantic interest, Irene Cassini (Uma Thurman), who believes he is the genetically flawless, Jerome Morrow.  Irene's own genetic code is slightly flawed.  She was mistakenly left with a weak heart at birth.  Ironically, this is the same problem that secretly ails Vincent.  In the beginning of the movie, Irene has faith in genetic predetermanism, and she thinks less of herself for having a heart defect.  However, as the film progresses and she learns of Vincent's true identity, Irene begins to see how one is capable of more than simply just what is written in one's genes.

The movie concludes with Jerome going on his mission to Titan.  He ultimately proves that he can be more successful that other who are considered by society to have a superior genetic code.  Rising against all odds, Vincent shows that the strength of ones spirit can make anything possible.  Succeeding under the false identity of Jerome, he proves that an individual’s ability is not written in their genetic sequence.  This movie proves that individuals have the power to control their futures, because it is the human spirit that truly determines one’s success.