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Out of the Silent Planet
That Hideous Strength



“The tale is told with very great skill, and the descriptions of celestial landscapes and of human and nonhuman behavior are often brilliant. I cannot pay Mr. Lewis a higher compliment than to compare him with Dante and Milton” [The Entire Trilogy]

- J. B. S. Haldane

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“In his usual polished prose, the author creates an elaborate satiric picture of a war between morality and devilry” [That Hideous Strength]

- The New Yorker


“Writing of the highest order. Perelandra is, from all standpoints, far superior to other tales of interplanetary adventures” [Perelandra]

- Commonweal


“Prepare to be stunned by the beauty and excitement of this story, with its wealth of detail about the life that, in Lewis' fertile imagination, might have lived on Mars” [Out of the Silent Planet]

-Robbie Fischer

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“I can't think of anything wrong with this story. It had action, a mystery, suspense, discovery, aliens, space-flight, characters true to their nature, social commentary, allegory AND all this squeezed into less than 160 pages” [Out of the Silent Planet]

- Erik Vanasch

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About the Author


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Downing, David C. Planets in Peril. The University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst. 1992.

Lewis, Clive Staples. Perelandra. Macmillan, New York. 1973.

Lewis, Clive Staples. Of Other Worlds. Harcourt, New York. 1994.

Lewis, Clive Staples. Out of the Silent Planet. Scribner Classiscs, New York. 1996.

Lewis, Clive Staples. That Hideous Strength. Scribner Classics, New York. 1996.


Photograph Acknowledgements

Thanks to: - for planetary photos - for C. S. Lewis photo - for book photos