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A Hero's Awakening The first book in C. S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, introduces protagonist Elwin Ransom, philologist and average man, whose believable characteristics and motives will be present throughout the Trilogy. Kidnapped by scheming scientists Weston and Devine while on an evening walk in the country, Ransom is flown in a space ship to the planet Mars, known to the rest of the solar system as Malacandra. Weston, who has made this trip before, is bringing Ransom along in accordance with orders he has received from the inhabitants of the planet. Weston’s overall goal is the extermination of the several rational species that live on Malacandra and the eventual colonization of the planet in the name of furthering mankind. Upon successful arrival, Ransom manages to escape from the clutches of his captors. As he begins to explore the planet, Ransom comes in contact with its three forms of intelligent life, or in the common speech of Malacandra, hnau. Hnau are any species of creature capable of thought. The three forms of hnau on Malacandra are the furry, sea-faring Hrossa (Hross singular); the short, mineral-mining Pfifltriggi (Pfifltrig singular); and the tall, scientific Seroni (Sorn singular). Ransom befriends an Hross named Hyoi and learns the language of Malacandra. Then one day, as he and Hyoi are hunting, Weston shoots the Hross with a rifle and kills him. Another, more mysterious race of beings exists on the planet as well. Bodiless, intelligent, and made of energy, the Eldila (Eldil singular) are present throughout space, both on planets and in the void. The more powerful Eldila are given control over the planets of the solar system, and are known as Oyerasu (Oyarsa singular) of the planet they control. Ransom has contact with the Oyarsa of Malacandra after Weston and Devine have been captured by the Hrossa. Because of his training as a philologist, Ransom is able to translate for both parties as they discuss the murder of Hyoi. Ransom learns that all planets have their own Oyarsa and their own Eldila, but those of Earth have turned to evil, thus making Earth silent to the rest of the solar system. In the end, the earthlings, or Thulcandrians, are forced to leave the planet without meeting the goals of Weston and Devine. Ransom leaves in friendship with the Oyarsa and equipped with an extra-tellurian understanding of the solar system and fluency in the common language of all hnau.