
Brief Biography

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Controversial Science

Literary Criticism

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 Controversial Science

Crichton’s works of science fiction have often created a stir in the scientific field.  Scientists around the world often rail against Crichton’s fictional scientific information. In short, Crichton is notorious for presenting science fiction as science fact. His most recent novel, State of Fear (2004), is by far his most contentious

State of Fear deals with the issue of global warming. The protagonist, Peter Evans, is an environmental lawyer whose law firm is suing on behalf of a small Pacific island.  The lawsuit claims that global warming has caused the shift in sea level that caused the inhabitants of the island to evacuate their homes.  However, Evans is dragged into helping thwart an eco-terroist plot and while doing so, is overwhelmed with evidence that global warming is not happening. Thoughout the novel, graphs, reports, and footnotes are provided as proof that the global temparature is not changing. The lawsuit is eventually abadoned due to the mounting evidence of the opposition. Yet the book does not stop there. Crichton's novel goes so far as to assert that the concept of global warming is a media and enviornmentalist driven ploy aimed at keeping society under wraps by keeping people in a constant state of fear.

On many occasions, Crichton has asserted that State of Fear is a fictional novel. However, he has made several speeches and appearances that have put his ideas into the political realm. In September, 2005, Crichton testified before the Senate Committee on Enviornment and Public Works.[1] Also, he has given several controversial speeches including "Enviornmentalism as a Religion" and "Aliens Cause Global Warming".[2]


[1] Janofsky, Michael "Crichton, Novelist, Becomes Senate Witness"  New York Times. '05

[2] For a transcript of all speeches, visit
Reactions to State of Fear    
Criticism of State of Fear    

The Earth Institute "Michael Crichton’s State of Confusion"

The Brookings Institution "Michael Crichton and Global Warming"

BBC "Michael Crichton’s Conspiracy Theory"

Grist Magazine "Mad Crichton"

Support for State of Fear    

Heartland Institute "Michael Crichton is Right!"
  This site complies a number of different reviews and references in support of State of Fear

New York Times "Truth? Fiction? Journalism?"



"Everyone has an adgenda, except me"

~Michael Critchon
State of Fear