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authors and works that best represent the sub-genre of Holy Science Fiction:
Amis, Kingsley. The Alteration
Asimov, Isaac.
"The Last Answer," "Reason"
Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale.
Benson, Robert Hugh. Lord of the World,
The Dawn of All
Blish, James. After Such Knowledge,
Doctor Mirabilis, Black Easter, The Day after Judgment, A Case
of Conscience
Brown, Fredric.
Boucher, Anthony. "The Quest for Saint
Boyd, John. The Last Starship from Earth
Bradbury, Ray. The Illustrated Man, Something
Wicked This Way Comes, "The Man," "In This Sign"
Brunner, John. "Judas"
John. The Astrologer
Capek, Karel. "The Absolute at Large"
Card, Orson Scott. Speaker for the Dead,
Clarke, Arthur C. "The Nine Billion Names
of God,” The Fountains of Paradise, "The Star," Childhood’s
Compton, D. G. The Missionaries
Corelli, Marie. A Romance of Two Worlds
Dick, Philip K. The Divine Invasion, VALIS,
Radio Free Albemuth
Ellison, Harlan Deathbird Stories: A Pantheon
of Modern Gods
Farmer, Philip Jose. Night of Light, Jesus
on Mars
Flammarion, Camille. Lumen
Goodwin, Parke. Waiting for the Galactic
Hamilton, Edmond.
"Fessenden's Worlds"
Harrison, Harry. “The Streets of Ashkelon”
Heinlein, Robert. Stranger
in a Strange Land
Jones, Dennis Feltham. Colossus
Knight, Damon. The Man in the Tree
Lafferty, Raphael Aloysius. The Devil Is
Dead, Past Master
Lewis, C.S. Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra,
That Hideous Strength
Maclean, Katherine. "Unclean Sacrifice."
Mastin, John. Through the Sun in an Airship
Maurois, Andre.
The Weigher of Souls
Walter. A Canticle for Leibowitz
Morrow, James. “Bible stories for Adults No.
17: The Deluge,” “Spelling God with the Wrong Blocks”
Moorcock, Michael. Behold the Man
Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle. Inferno,
The Mote in God's Eye
Payne, Paul. "Fool’s Errand."
Roberts, Keith. Pavane, Kiteworld.
Russell, Mary Doria. The Sparrow
Sagan, Carl. Contact
Silverberg, Robert. Nightwings, "Good
News from the Vatican," The Masks of Time
Simak, Clifford D. Project Pope, The Creator
Simmons, Dan. Hyperion, Fall of Hyperion
Stapledon, Olaf. The Star Maker
Sturgeon, Theodore. Godbody, "Microcosmic
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Phenomonon
of Man, The Hymn of the Universe.
Guy. When it Was Dark
Van Vogt, A. E. The Book of Ptath
Watson, Ian. Godís World
Wells, H. G. All Aboard for Ararat
Wills, Connie. "Samaritan"
Zelazny, Roger. Lord of Light, "A
Rose for Ecclesiastes"
David and Leone, Bruno. Science and Religion.
St. Paul, 1981. Greenhaven Press.
Matt. “God, Science, and Delusion: A Chat with Arthur C. Clarke”,
Free Inquiry Magazine. Accessed Online.
Stephen L. How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy.
London, 1995. Routledge.
John and Nicholls, Peter. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.
New York, 1995. St. Martin’s Griffin.
Jennifer Cobb. “A Globe, Clothing Itself with a Brain.”
Wired, Online Edition. 1995. Accessed Online.
William. Carl Sagan: A Life in the Cosmos. New
York, 1999. Henry Holt.
Karen and Rottensteiner, Franz. “Other Worlds, Otherworldliness:
Science Fiction and Religion.” Christian Century.
December 5, 1973.
David. The Science Fiction Source Book. New York,
1984. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
also received much of my information from the websites whose links
are provided on the Holy Science Fiction! Home Page.)