Terry Pratchett's Discworld

Want to know more about Terry Pratchett's Discworld? You've come to the right place!

Picture by Catskind

The Discworld is a flat world on the back of four giant elephants, who in turn ride on the shell of a gigantic sea turtle.

The Discworld centers around four main characters and their cohorts: Commander Vimes, Death, The Librarian of Unseen University and the various wizards therein, and Granny Weatherwax.

The biggest city on the Disc is Ankh-Morpork.  It is extremely busy and very dirty.  Part of its name is derived from the river which runs through it, the Ankh.  However, the term river is used loosely here, as one would have better luck running on top of the river than swimming in it.  Ankh-Morpork is home to Unseen University, where the wizards live, eat, and try to avoid work, and various guilds including that of the Thieves, Assassins, Fools, and Alchemists.

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Created by Josie Strong.  jstrong@depauw.edu. Last updated 5-02-03.