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Time Travel?


Throughout humanity's existence we have continuously tested the limitations of our environment by exploring always exploring a new and overcoming different limitations. The one medium humans have yet to successfully traverse is that medium of time. This website is dedicated to the possibility of travel through time, but in order to do so, one must first define time.

One day, a man was walking down the street. As he was passing another man, he asked the other man the time. The man faced with the question responded, "How would I know, I am only a physicist. In order to know what the time is you must ask a philosopher." With the advent of Einstein's theory of relativity, time has been considered subjective rather than factual. Einstein, himself, defines time as what a clock reads. If this is the case, and time is only relative, is it possible to travel through time ("Pickover")?

This website concludes that time travel is, in fact, possible. Of course, the methods of the many science fiction stories are for the most part way off target. Physics, however, is not far from time travel at all. In fact, one can speculate that if mankind were able to harness the power needed, time travel.


website created by Steve Karacic


last updated 5/7/04
