  Universe Theories
  Future Travel
  Past Travel
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Different Universal Theories

Newton's Universe

The Newtonian theory of the universe believes that travel through time is impossible. The Newtonian Universe is based on a linear concept of time. The idea is that the past occurs at one point on the line of time and that the future sits at the opposite end of the time line. Travel in any direction other than from past to future at a constant rate is impossible. This is in many ways similar to the flight of an arrow. Once the arrow is fired, it will go on a forward path without. If one excludes any other forces that would act on this arrow, such as gravity, the arrow would travel forward in a perfectly linear direction. This notion of the universe was devised by Sir Isaac Newton in order that his various physics equations and gravity can exist. This idea was commonly held for hundreds of years until Einstein's theory of relativity was proposed (Pickover).


The Multi-Verse

The multi-verse theory was proposed by Hugh Evans III in 1957. This theory draws from Einstein's theory of relativity in the belief that time is cyclical. This theory, however, proposes that there are infinite universes and that a new universe is created after every action
in the original universe. For example, the day that the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima created another universe in which the bomb was not dropped. These universes are parallel until the dropping of the bomb. At this point the two universes diverge. Say the universe where the bomb was not dropped continues and Japan still losses the war. At this point another universe will be created where Japan won as well. In this manner three universes now exist. This process continues for every event in all universes. As a result, there may be universes that exist where dinosaurs still roam the Earth. All these universes exist at the same point in time as each other. There is a theory that one can travel from one universe to the other using wormholes (explained under Einstein's Universe). In this manner, the traveler would not be moving forward or backward in time, the traveler would be moving from one universe to an alternative universe. According to this theory, it is technically impossible to travel through time because time does not exist in a linear form. According to this theory the travel would be passing from universe to universe not time. This theory, however, will often be used in many literary sources to depict alternative worlds where dinosaurs still exist. For this reason, the multi-verse theory is often included with time travel theories. In many ways, this theory supports the travel through wormholes without encountering the paradoxes (explained under Reverse Time Travel) implicit in travel into the past (Preston).

Einstein's Universe

This theory is based on Einstein's theory of relativity. The basic idea behind the theory of relativity that pertains to time travel is that as one accelerates towards the speed of light time slows. Einstein's theory also links time and space into a fourth dimension. This
dimension is not linear like that of Newton's Universe but rather cyclical with places of intersection. These places of intersection are known as wormholes. If one envisions a loop in a rollercoaster, that is very similar to a wormhole (Preston).